
Mayan 3D Mapper January 2017 – June 2017
Led a team of 4 engineers in producing a portable device allowing archaeologists to 3D map a tunnel in real time while simultaneously displaying their current location within the tunnel.

  • Hardware used includes an Nvidia Jetson TX2, Intel Realsense ZR300, and a Raspberry Pi 7” HDMI Touchscreen.
  • Software used includes RTAB-Map, SLAM, ROS, and CUDA.
  • Our device achieves faster scan and map rendering speeds while simultaneously reducing physical load.
Quadcopter from Scratch January 2017 – June 2017
Developed a quadcopter from the ground up, from the embedded systems to the software. Co-designed the PCB using Eagle PCB Design as well as created schematic symbols, devices, and packages.

  • Hardware used was a Atmega128RFA1 microcontroller, LSM9DS0 IMU, and PWM driven motors.
  • Designed all software to control the Quadcopter from the controller using RF communication.
  • Assisted in PCB design, assembly, and testing.
Brain Powered RC Car August 2015
Assembled a radio controlled car that adjusts its speed based on the individual user’s concentration level.

  • Project used an Arduino Uno, Due, Mind-flex headset, and a JY-MCU bluetooth chip.
  • Concentration levels were acquired using EEG technology which was analyzed and used to determine velocity.
  • Bluetooth connection was established between my computer and the Due microcontroller allowing the transfer of user concentration levels.
Heart Disease Detector May 2017 – June 2017
Designed a machine learning system to determine the probability of heart disease as well as disease severity for a given patient.

  • Algorithm used for implementation was Random Forest.
  • System determined results based on 27 elements of patient information such as age, gender, blood pressure, cholesterol levels, and triglyceride concentration.
Protein Sequencing February 2017
Implemented Kernels as a machine learning algorithm to classify protein sequences according to whether or not they belong to a particular protein family.

  • Given our provided input format, String Kernels were used in our implementation.
  • Various protein lengths were analyzed over the training set of 3000+ DNA sequences.
  • Produced an error of only 7.1% for protein length of 2, and 4.09% for length 3.
CPU from Scratch July 2016 – August 2016
Developed a processor that implemented a large subset of the MIPS instruction set architecture.

  • Various components such as an adder, instruction memory, register file, ALU, data memory, and multiplexers were used in the design.
  • A control unit was included to activate each individual component based on which instruction was being executed.
Arduino Uno Starter Kit May 2014
Completed all 15-starter kit projects. The kit required an understanding of Java programing as well as circuit diagram analysis. Circuits were set up and code was created to upload to the circuit board. After the code was uploaded, the Arduino board performed tasks such as a virtual crystal ball, an hourglass, and a flashlight that adjusts it’s color through the use of photoresistors.
Binary Tree – Hash Table Program November 2013 – December 2013
This program ran a search engine simulation on the Gettysburg Address Speech. Specific words were excepted through the use of a hash table; collisions were resolved using chaining.
Linear Linked List Program October 2013 – November 2013
By inserting employee information on a Linear Linked List I was able to create an Employee Payroll Program that performed specific tasks by meeting certain criteria.
Queue’s Program September 2013 – October 2013
Through the use of queues this program generated a simulation of jobs being processed on a CPU.
Stack’s Program August 2013 – September 2013
Converted mathematical expressions from infix to postfix notation, and solved the expressions in postfix notation by using stacks.